
Information for applicants

The admission procedure for foreign students

Preparation courses of Russian (fr om 1st of March to 1st of July)

Terms of application:fr om 1st of November to 20th of December
Necessary documents:Before arrival (might be sent by mail, e-mail, fax or brought to our office by a student's representative):
  1. completed application form (download application in English, download application in Chinese)
  2. copy of a foreign passport
  3. copy of a medical certificate

Upon arrival:
  1. medical certificate, certifying absence of medical contraindications for studying (including the results of HIV/AIDS test, Wassermann Reaction test, Chest X-Ray test as well as dates of taking these tests)
  2. foreign passport
  3. 6 photographs (3х4 cm, black-white, matted)

Internship courses of Russian

Terms of application:for 1st semester - fr om 1st of March to 1st of May
for 2nd semester - from 1st of November to 1st of December
for shorter term – two days in advance of the intended period of courses
Necessary documents:Before arrival (might be sent by mail, e-mail, fax or brought to our office by a student's representative):
  1. completed application form (download application in English, download application in Chinese)
  2. copy of a foreign passport
  3. copy of a medical certificate

Upon arrival:
  1. medical certificate, certifying absence of medical contraindications for studying (including the results of HIV/AIDS test, Wassermann Reaction test, Chest X-Ray test as well as dates of taking these tests)
  2. foreign passport
  3. 6 photographs (3х4 cm, black-white, matted)

Bachelor’s degree courses

Terms of application:from 1st of February to 1st of April
Necessary documents:Before arrival (might be sent by mail, e-mail, fax or brought to our office by a student's representative):
  1. completed application form (download application in English, download application in Chinese)
  2. copies of a legalized in accordance with the established procedure educational certificate of foreign state and educational certificate supplement (if the latter is required by the Law of a state, wh ere the Diploma was issued)
  3. copy of an official academic transcript
  4. copy of a foreign passport
  5. copy of a medical certificate

Upon arrival:
  1. original of a legalized in accordance with the established procedure (if necessary) educational certificate of a foreign state and educational certificate supplement (if the latter is required by the Law of a state, wh ere the certificate was issued)
    • for a double-degree program student: original of an official academic transcript (certified by the educational institution that will issue the original document)
  2. legalized in accordance with the established procedure Russian translation of an educational certificate of foreign state and educational certificate supplement (if the latter is required by the Law of a state, wh ere the Diploma was issued)
  3. original of a foreign passport
  4. copy of an entry visa
  5. Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL) - Levels 1 or 2.
  6. medical certificate, certifying absence of medical contraindications for studying (including the results of HIV/AIDS test, Wassermann Reaction test, Chest X-Ray test as well as dates of taking these tests)
  7. 6 photographs (3х4 cm, black-white, matted)
All Russian translations should be done on a name and surname indicated on a visa.

Master's degree courses

Terms of application:from 1st of March to 1st of May
Necessary documents:Before arrival (might be sent by mail, e-mail, fax or brought to our office by a student's representative):
  1. completed application form (download application in English, download application in Chinese)
  2. copy of a legalized in accordance with the established procedure Diploma of foreign state admitted as an equivalent Bachelor or Specialist diploma in Russian Federation
  3. copy of an official academic transcript
  4. copy of a foreign passport
  5. copy of a medical certificate

Upon arrival:
  1. original of a legalized in accordance with the established procedure Diploma of foreign state admitted as an equivalent Bachelor or Specialist diploma in Russian Federation
  2. legalized in accordance with the established procedure Russian translation of an educational certificate of foreign state and educational certificate supplement
  3. list of scientific works (if obtained)
  4. Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL) - Level 2 (Advanced)
  5. resume/curriculum vitae in Russian
  6. original of a foreign passport
  7. copy of an entry visa
  8. original of a medical certificate, certifying absence of medical contraindications for studying (including the results of HIV/AIDS test, Wassermann Reaction test, Chest X-Ray test as well as dates of taking these tests)
  9. 6 photographs (3х4 cm, black-white, matted)
All Russian translations should be done on a name and surname indicated on a visa.

Post-graduate courses

Terms of application:from 1st of March to 1st of May
Necessary documents:Before arrival (might be sent by mail, e-mail, fax or brought to our office by a student's representative):
  1. completed application form (download application in English, download application in Chinese)
  2. copy of a legalized in accordance with the established procedure Diploma of foreign state admitted as an equivalent Bachelor or Specialist diploma in Russian Federation
  3. copy of an official academic transcript
  4. copy of a foreign passport
  5. copy of a medical certificate

Upon arrival:
  1. original of a legalized in accordance with the established procedure Diploma of foreign state admitted as an equivalent Bachelor or Specialist diploma in Russian Federation
  2. legalized in accordance with the established procedure Russian translation of an educational certificate of foreign state and educational certificate supplement
  3. list of scientific works (if obtained)
  4. Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL) - Level 2 (Advanced)
  5. resume/curriculum vitae in Russian
  6. original of a foreign passport
  7. copy of an entry visa
  8. original of a medical certificate, certifying absence of medical contraindications for studying (including the results of HIV/AIDS test, Wassermann Reaction test, Chest X-Ray test as well as dates of taking these tests)
  9. 6 photographs (3х4 cm, black-white, matted)
All Russian translations should be done on a name and surname indicated on a visa.

Visa support

In order to come to Komsomolsk-na-Amure to study at our University a foreigner needs to obtain a student visa at the Russian Embassy or Consulate in his/her home country. A foreigner may get a student visa only on a basis of an official invitation letter issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Our University draws up such an official invitation letter for foreign students. As soon as we receive from a student a completed application form, copies of educational certificates, a copy of his/her passport we will start a process of drawing up an official invitation letter. In 4 - 5 weeks, when the invitation letter is ready, we will send it to a student by express-mail (3-5 days). Having this invitation letter a foreign student can apply for a single student visa (it allows him/her to enter Russia) at the Russian Embassy or Consulate in his/her home country. Student visa is supposed to be issued within the period of 2- 14 days depending on the country. When an international student arrives in Komsomolsk-na-Amure, we register him/her at the Passport-Visa Service for the term indicated in his/her visa (3 months) and then extend the registration and draw up a multiple visa for the term of the contract concluded between a student and ASUHP. It's necessary to remember that next day of his/her arrival in Komsomolsk-na-Amure a foreign student has to come to the Foreign Affairs Department of ASUHP (office №240 center building) to get registered as a foreigner.

Every foreigner who enters the Russian Federation on an entry visa, issued on a basis of an official invitation letter, must attend an educational process in ASUHP and pass a registration procedure. If a foreigner does not pass a registration procedure or does not come in ASUHP, International Affairs Department may apply the corresponding agency with request for a visa canceling process.

No other type of activity is permitted except indicated on a visa.


The dormitories are located not far from the University. The campus is in the center of the city near the embankment of the Amur River. Students live in 2-bed and 3-bed rooms equipped with TV set (satellite TV), refrigerator, in built furniture and access to the Internet. Kitchen, room for sport and for studying are public facilities on the floor. Dining hall is adjacent to the main university building.

The university hostels are being reconstructed: the interior of students’ rooms with the new comfortable furniture is becoming more attractive; the recreation areas, classrooms, gyms and kitchens are comfortable, too. There is also an Internet hall for the students to work there by themselves in the evenings and two medical rooms – the dentist’s and the general practitioners. The university grounds continue being reconstructed.

Tuition fees for 2024-2025 academic year


Fee (10 months for a student)


Dollars (approx.)

Bachelor's degree course (full-time)

166 900


Bachelor’s degree course (part-time)

102 000


Master’s degree course (full-time)

178 400


One year course of Russian

90 000


Dormitory fees for 2024-2025 academic year

Fee (10 months for a student)


Dollars (approx.)

  25 000


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