

On November 1 and 3 of this year, as part of the vacation school at the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy, a career guidance event was held - the quest game "Time to choose! ...". Choosing a profession in everyone's life is, to a certain extent, a choice of fate. And if we consider that the world of professions at the beginning of the 21st century has grown to 40 thousand, then it is clear that every year it becomes more and more difficult to choose the occupation of your life, so that it is both to your taste and to your shoulder. During the quest game, the best sides of the "teacher" and "educator" professions were revealed through various tasks. At the first station, first-year students Vladislav Dmitrochenko and Violetta Dushkina told a brief history of the emergence of the teaching profession and its characteristics. The task for the participants of the quest game was to correlate the pictures with the category of professions, depending on the type of relationship between the person and the object of the action. Then the teams went to other stations, according to the issued itinerary: "Visiting a fairy tale", "Puzzle", "Fillword", "Auction", "Guess it" and "In a healthy body – a healthy mind!". Evgeniya Surkova, Tatiana Bitsura, Irina Chigrin, Varvara Podoplelova, Anastasia Shcherbakova - the first-year students welcomed the participants at their stations, explained the tasks and evaluated their performance with stickers of different colors, which corresponded to scores from 3 to 5. 48 students from grades 8 to 10 of secondary schools took part in the quest game. Schools № 6, № 13, №16, № 37 and gymnasiums No. 9 and No. 45, as well as 3 students from the Sovetsko–Gavansky district from Secondary School No. 14. The first game (November 1) was won by the “ZhKH” team, and the second (November 3) by the “Snowflakes”. Congratulations! You're doing great! At the end of the quest game, all participants received prizes and an information booklet about our faculty. The students gave a positive review about the event. We hope to see most of the participants of the event at the university next year as first-year students.
On November 3, 2022, as part of the events of the vacation school of Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy, a "Svoya Igra" event was held, dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. Students of grades 10 and 11 of Secondary School No. 32 came together in an intellectual battle. They showed their knowledge about the events of the war, the heroes, and the main battles. The 11th graders won a difficult battle. The event was held by Ivanova E.Yu., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of History, Philosophy and Law with the active help of students of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the 2nd and 3rd years – Igor Eremenko, Evgeniya Kataeva, Vsevolod Rashchupkin.
On November 3, 2022, students of IPAP and FSPE took part in the work of the pedagogical lounge at Gymnasium No. 9. The event was organized by Fedotova A.V., a methodologist for primary education at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Information and Methodological Center, a teacher at the Department of Pedagogy of Professional Education and the Department of Life Safety and Natural Sciences of ASUHP, together with primary school teachers of Gymnasium No. 9. During the event, the students attended the following workshops: 1. Work in the program "Designer RP" (presenters of the master class: G.A. Orlova, N.A. Lado). 2. The use of laboratory equipment in extracurricular activities (presenters of the master class: E.G. Anfinogenova, S. A. Navetnaya). 3. Educational work of primary school teachers (presenters of the master class: I.S. Minenok, A.V. Sashchenko). 4. The teacher's work in the program (master class leaders: E.G. Gimadeeva). During the master classes, students were able to design work programs for elementary school subjects, draw up a plan for extracurricular activities, learn how to activate younger students in science lessons and extracurricular activities, and also see how teachers use interactive equipment and various teaching tools (a microscope, an electronic laboratory, etc.).
The Confucius Institute together with the teachers of the Department of Romano-Germanic and Oriental Languages awarded diplomas and gifts to the participants of the "Translation Contest" and the "Keys in Drawings" contests. Congratulations to the winners and wish them further creative victories!
Students of the Faculty of Philology and Intercultural Communication studying foreign languages traditionally celebrated Halloween (All Saints' Eve) with quizzes and costume skits. This modern international holiday, which dates back to the traditions of the ancient Celts and was traditionally associated with the end of summer and with all the supernatural, remains popular among young people. On October 31, students of the fields of Pedagogical Education and Linguistics and teachers were able to plunge into the mysterious otherworldly world and touch the ancient traditions and origins of this holiday. The students prepared an interesting and informative quiz, designed a photo zone, dressed up in horror movie costumes and carved a "Jack O’Lantern", thus combining the ancient and modern traditions of this holiday. The FPIC Dean's Office expresses its gratitude to the students of the POia-13 and POia-23 groups for organizing and holding the holiday.
On November 2, 2022, the "Pedagogical Workshop" for senior philology students continued its work at FPIC. The event was held on the basis of the technopark of ASUHP. This time, the teachers of Secondary School No. 14 of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, philologist Shelestova Svetlana Nikolaevna and primary school teacher Beskhmelnova Svetlana, presented their master class on the topic "Formation of reading literacy in primary and secondary levels in language and literature lessons" in the form of a business game "Search for the key of wisdom". The event was organized by the Department of Literature and Russian as a Foreign Language (Head of the Department of Literature and Russian as a Foreign Language - E.E. Zharikova). In a playful way, the mentoring teachers demonstrated to the students that reading literacy, understood as the ability of students to comprehend texts of various contents and formats, as the ability to use what they read in various life situations, including to achieve their goals, expand knowledge and opportunities, becomes a significant result of education. During the master class, future teachers were convinced that the ability to read is a constantly evolving set of knowledge, skills, and abilities, i.e. the quality of a person who improves throughout his life in different situations of activity and communication. During the event, students learned about techniques such as "Patchwork, or the art of patchwork sewing", "Cluster", "Keywords", "Right and Wrong statements", "Cinquain", "Insert" and others. The members of the LRFL Department thank Shelestova S.N., Beskhmelnova S.G. and look forward to further cooperation!
On November 1, the game "Secrets of Phraseology" was held at the ASUHP as part of the vacation school. Russian language students from the PORYAL-21 group, under the guidance of the Russian Language Department, prepared assignments that opened up Russian phraseology to schoolchildren from new angles: stable expressions were hidden in artistic texts, contaminations, emoji puzzles. They had to be found and named correctly. The students of the 9th grade of Secondary School No. 5, prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature Daria Y. Rozhkova, coped best with the tasks.
On October 29, 2022, teachers of the Department of Educational Psychology Vera A. Shmakova (PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department), Anna V. Bakina (PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department), Valeria I. Ambrosova (PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department) - held a round table "Facts and artifacts in psychological science". The event was attended by 22 people - schoolchildren of grades 10-11 from Secondary School No. 24 of Komsomolsk-on-Amur and 1st year students of Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy. The following issues were discussed at the round table: — Why do we need science? — What makes science a science? Why is astronomy a science, but not astrology? — What is the difference between a scientific fact and a personal opinion (interpretation)? — Is psychology a science or not? — What does psychology give to other sciences? — Can everyone become a scientist? — What helps and prevents a person from doing science? All participants received souvenirs.
On October 28, a lecture on "Citizens (individuals) as subjects of civil law" was held at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur College of Technology and Service by the Dean of the FSPE, Ph.D. L.S. Golubnichaya as part of the educational campaign "History for Children". College students received information about the opportunities for higher education at our university.
On 29.10, a student initiation for the 1st year was held in the 2nd dormitory, which was attended by students of the Federal Vocational School. The event was divided into two parts: the main part was an introductory speech by the head of the student council (Diana Yu. Korolevskaya, a teacher in the dormitory) and contests, and the final part was the results summing-up and a disco. The contests were of various kinds. For imagination - contests to compose words from food popular among the residents of the dormitory, a competition to draw objects related to student life; a contest for endurance and speed - who will be the first to eat a plate of noodles, a vocabulary test contest - make a sentence from a certain number of words, the first letter of which is the same. Students actively participated in competitions, and, of course, received prizes for winning and participating, in the form of pens, notebooks, towels, T-shirts and other things necessary for the student. According to the results, the most fun contest was a noodle-eating contest. After the main part, the disco started. The students danced, went to the bar for water or juice, and tables were set with various foods (fruits, sandwiches, sliced bread).
On October 28, 2022, for students of the Faculty of Economics of economic fields of study, in order to consolidate general theoretical knowledge in their chosen specialty as part of the study of the discipline "Enterprise Economics", a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics, Yu.V. Kislinskikh, organized educational excursions to the enterprise of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Electric Grid Enterprise". The purpose of such an excursion is not only to acquaint students with modern technology, production technology, labor organization, device and principles of operation of equipment, but also to teach them to independently make a specific analysis of professional activity. The students got acquainted with the enterprise as a whole - with its sites, the technological process, the leading professions of the main production - with the equipment of individual workshops, the specifics of the work of specialists in the subject and purpose of work, the types of main tools, with production operations and responsibilities, with sanitary and hygienic conditions, organization and working regime in individual areas. The students asked the heads of the structural divisions questions with interest and received proper answers to them.
On October 30, 2022, the annual international educational campaign "Geographical Dictation - 2022" was held at ASUHP. The Dictation was organized by the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society" (RGS) and the Faculty of Natural Geography. 138 residents of Komsomolsk-on-Amur took part in the action. The results of Dictation writing, correct answers to Dictation tasks and analysis of typical errors are published on the RGS website: dictant.rgo.ru on November 30, 2022.
On October 31, students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology took part in the meeting of student self-government bodies "Vector of Success", which was held at the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth. 5 areas were presented at the meeting: personal development, military-patriotic, information and media, financial literacy and life safety. And if 1-2 years ago students took part in the rally as representatives of the self-government of their schools, today they worked at the gaming stations with the methodical guidance and guidance of the Palace specialists. Many thanks to our permanent partner, the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth, for their trust and the opportunity to study!
The students of dormitory No. 1 jointly organized and held a fun holiday – Halloween. The board of dormitory No. 1 - Anastasia Perevoshchikova, Marina Neradovskaya, Lilia Marchenko - together with the students of the dormitory organized a number of events to celebrate Halloween. Friendship won the competition for the brightest thematically decorated room door. The festive decorations created a uniquely warm atmosphere of a not at all scary Halloween. The "scary" quest turned into a masquerade of amazing costumes featuring witches, devils and vampires. The celebration showed that our students are able to study well and organize their leisure time beautifully. We wish the Board of dormitory No. 1 to continue their creative activities and delight students with new activities!
On October 25 and 26, the main stage of the inter-faculty rapid chess tournament, organized and conducted on the initiative and with the assistance of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History and Law, took place at the Technopark of Universal Pedagogical Competencies of the ASUHP. On October 25, the inter-tournament round was held, which determined which of the three finalists of Group B, who took second place in the qualifying round on points, would advance to the finals. The final round took place on October 26. The final was attended by students of the Faculty of History and Law Andrey Babitsky (POio-22) and Maxim Seredochny (POII-23) and the Faculty of Natural Geography Olga Manokhina and Victoria Manokhina (both POgb-21 group). The judges were second-year students of FHL Ilya Sulaberidze (judge) and Viktor Reznik (chief judge). According to the chief referee of the tournament, Viktor Reznik: "In the final round of the tournament, Andrei Babitsky broke away and became a winner. There were only 2 rounds of 4 games each. According to mathematical calculations, Andrey was recognized as the winner ahead of schedule. It was more interesting to keep track of who would take the second and third places. There were 5-minute games between Victoria Manokhina and Maxim Seredochny. The game was fast. Olga Manokhina has 0.5 points and 0 wins." Results of the final of the inter-faculty rapid chess tournament: 1st place – Andrey Babitsky (POio group-22) – 4.5 points. 2nd place – Victoria Manokhina (group POgb-21) – 3.5 points. 3rd place – Maxim Seredochny (POII group-23) – 2.5 points. The Dean's office expresses special gratitude to Valery V. Savchuk, professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports Disciplines, honorary worker of Higher professional education, holder of the Goskomsport badge "For Success in the development of Physical Culture and Sports" for his help in organizing the tournament. We invite students from other faculties and the institute to participate in similar events.
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